Articoli recenti

APOPHENIA – Research Project

PERFORMERS: Sabrina Mazzuoli, Laura Cossignani
WITH THE SUPPORT OF: Compagnia degli Istanti
Residency programs: Company Blu, Fabbrica Europa/P.A.R.C.


APOFENIA has been defined by K.Conrad as the “unmotivated seeing of connections accompanied by a specific feeling of abnormal meaningfulness”.

The project is an investigation into how perceptions determine our subjective reality and the possibility of using imagination, before logic, as a concrete tool for knowledge and intuition.

How do I process and connect the sensory stimuli I receive? How do I recompose them in my mind to create an orderly picture of subjectively fulfilled meaning?


APOPHENIA is also an investigation of the need to listen to the invisible in order to make sense of the visible; an experiment on imaginary contact, giving bodily form to the invisible threads that bind us across distance


Apophenia is a wide research project that includes different format, as workshop or Show- conferences, that can complement the experience and trigger a reflection on the ability to rely on the imagination as a concrete tool and stimulus to creativity.

THE INSTALLATION consists of connecting two dancers, their own images and the observing audience. The dancers, who have no eye contact, improvise in silence imagining each other. This distant relationship is represented through video juxtaposition, creating the possibility of seizing moments of synchronicity. The audience, equipped with headphones, can observe the resulting random composition, choosing the sound to be influenced by.

APOFENIA – Show Conference:

In the Conference/show some reference texts of the project will be used to deepen the ancestral value of dance as a ritual and the imagination from a neurological and emotional point of view. The practice used by the dancers will then be shown. Dancers will be guided in an improvisation session with their eyes closed, through indications and tasks that the public will be able to listen to.


The Workshop will be aimed at dancers, performers and musicians. It will focus on the idea of using distance as a raw material for instantaneous composition, in order to stimulate our abilities to perceive invisible connections. Through an improvisation practice with closed eyes, we will experience the use of imagination, directed through exercises that stimulate the visual cortex, as a source of action. We will arrive at the creation of synchronic improvisations, moving in an imagined space in which we will meet the other.